#FacePalmĪnyhow, by 'enabling' which actually disables, you'll no longer have power going to the USB ports when the computer is shutdown, You will also lose the ability to trigger power-up or wake states by pressing keys on your keyboard or from the phone ringing to your modem or mouse movement or any sort of peripheral activity, near as I can tell. 'EUP' stands for 'Energy Using Products' and apparently when English is your 2nd language, you think that 'enabling' the readiness of Energy Using Products is how to shut them off. Arrow down to the menu item 'APM Configuration'
Use right arrow key to move to the POWER tabģ. Power up or restart the PC and repeatedly press the DELete key to go into the BIOS settings.Ģ. There is no jumper on the Mobo to do this.ġ. I just want to supply the answer for the ASUS M4A89GTD Pro users out there.ġ. Ready for S4 and S5 plus disabled USB power delivery in Soft Off state (S5). Can anyone tell me how to turn off USB ports when computer is shut down? Go to Control Panel > Power Options > Choose What Power Buttons Do > Activate Settings Currentlly Unavailable > scroll down to Shutdown Settings. When I shut down my computer, I have noticed the motherboard is still.